The failure to read good books both enfeebles the vision and strengthens our most fatal tendency -- the belief that the here and now is all there is.

Allan Bloom
The failure to read good books both enfeebles the vision...
The failure to read good books both enfeebles the vision...
The failure to read good books both enfeebles the vision...
The failure to read good books both enfeebles the vision...
About This Quote

Everyone is their own person. What makes them unique is what they look at in the world around them. And, what they see is shaped by what they have read in books. There are few people who have never read a book.

Everyone has come to know something about the world with the help of books. We all know that when you read a book, it can change your perspective on things in life for better or for worse. However, reading only helps you in the short run.

The real challenge in life is how to improve yourself day in and day out in order to make progress over time. But, if you do not read good books, you will find it hard to make positive changes.

Source: The Closing Of The American Mind

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More Quotes By Allan Bloom
  1. The failure to readily identify the battle between good and evil is a nagging, ongoing, dangerous pattern that shows no sign of easing up any time soon.

  2. When school officials want to get a teacher out of the classroom, they have to go through an arduous and multi-year process involving hearings and appeals and lawyers and more hearings. All the while, the teacher draws full pay.

  3. School systems now routinely have more administrators than classroom teachers. They have armies of counselors and therapists and nutritionists and 'multi-cultural learning facilitators.'

  4. There is simply no defending the preferred mode of travel for many of the celebrity crazies who lecture us about carbon credits. Do you think these folks are willing to give up their mansions and private jets in order to 'save the planet?'

  5. If you asked a team of expert psychologists and sociological researchers to come up with a design that was sure to infuriate and offend liberals in America, they'd probably come up with what we call the Great Seal.

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